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Kwik Sparklers Binder Cover

Do you remember the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, brand new school supplies, and fresh book covers made from brown paper bags? Oops....I think I just dated myself! Notebooks ready to be doodled on? This is a project perfect for students and teachers alike - a fresh new way to doodle with thread! It is packed with Sulky products because they have everything! I designed this notebook cover around the mini 7” size of my new EPP pattern, Kwik Sparklers, so that it would look like any teenage girl could have doodled it. Since my ability to doodle is very limited, I used...
Stick'n Stitch by Sulky

I want to share with you how I used Alison Glass embroidery transfers to build a design to use in the center of one of my Kwik Sparklers EPP blocks using Sulky Stick’n Stitch product. As soon as I saw Alison’s iron on transfers I knew I would want to use them more than once. I was introduced to Stick’n Stitch at Fall Market when Sulky’s educational instructor, Kelly Nagel, was sitting next to me on Demo Alley. I have long been a fan of Sulky Blendables for quilting, because I love how it changes colors but I was unfamiliar with this product. It...
EPP with "Loved to Pieces" by Mr. Domestic

I was over the moon excited to work with Mister Domestic's new line "Loved To Pieces" from Art Gallery Fabrics. Since this line is designed with English Paper Piecing in mind I decided to use my Kwik Whirligig EPP pattern to test it out. I quilted the front with Aurifil monofilament thread, using a circular design. The back was quilted withSulky Blendables 30wt thread in a plaid design. I used a decorative flower stitch on my Pfaff 2056 to do the binding, using 60wt PolyLite by Sulky. It was displayed in Matthew's booth for Spring Market along with his other gorgeous pillows, quilts, and clothing.
Fabric Boxes

Today I am linking up with Andover Fabrics to do a tutorial for Fabric Boxes. This is my first link up and I am so excited! I made my first fabric box with my friend Becky in March. She used the tutorial by Seaside Stitches. They were little and they are perfect for thread catches and tool holders. When I got home I HAD to make more, I HAD to make them bigger, I HAD to make them in Rainbow colors ...... Lizzy House Tonal Pearl Bracelets and Textured Linen by Andover had just arrived on my door step.....match made in Heaven! Fabric Boxes ...